Pack-Palooza 2023: Self-Supported Bikepacking Event on the Flint Hills Trail
Sep 22, 2023

Ottawa Bike and Trail will be a host shop for Pack Palooza on October 7 and 8, 2023. Pack Palooza is a self-supported, low-key, bikepacking event organized by our good friends at Base Camp Flint Hills. $10 gets you a place to camp (tent, hammock or tarp), water, a shower if you want, porta-potti, firewood and an evening of sharing bike packing stories, gear and tips with a bunch of other like minded cool people.
We'll be riding the Flint Hills Trail from Ottawa to Basecamp Flint Hills in Allen Kansas (53 miles) on Saturday, October 7. We'll camp overnight at Basecamp and return to Ottawa on Sunday morning. If you're not up for a 53-mile ride feel free to join us anywhere along the route.
Anyone is welcome to join the group. Riders must be entirely self-supported and will carry all of their own gear and food on their bike.
If you are interested you must register for the Pack-Palooza event here. The cost for the event is $10.
If you will be joining our group for the ride PLEASE RSVP here.
Starting Point: Ottawa Bike and Trial
Starting Time: 10:00 am on October 7
Route: Here's the route we will be using.