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Recommended Routes and Trail Guides

Ottawa Kansas lies at the intersection of the Flint Hills Trail and Prairie Spirit Trail State Parks. Ottawa and Franklin County also offer some of the best gravel roads you'll find anywhere. We've developed a collection of route maps and field guides to help you find the best places to ride.
Flint Hills Trail State Park Photo

Flint Hills Trail State Park Field Guide

The Flint Hills Trail State Park is a the longest rail-trail in Kansas and an incredible natural resource for the region. We want to be your one-stop resource for trail information and knowledge. Our Field Guide contains all of the information you need to make the most of your visit including trail heads, parking, camping, points of interest and more.

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prairie spirit trail Garnett

Prairie Spirit Trail State Park Field Guide

The Prairie Spirit Trail State Park is unique and equally as beautiful and interesting as the Flint Hills Trail. We can provide information and support to help you enjoy your visit.

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Recommended Gravel Routes

Franklin County has some of the finest gravel roads you'll find anywhere in Kansas. We've developed a full list of gravel routes for you to enjoy.

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